Once low blood sugar levels are detected or you are experiencing a hypoglycemia attack, you will need 15-20gms of fast acting carbohydrates. Each Glucorade Glucose tablets tube contains 9 tablets, each of 2 gms each. Consume the full pack (18gms)
Wait for 10-15 minutes, and recheck glucose levels. Ensure you are in resting position.
If blood sugar levels is still <70, eat another tube of Glucorade Glucose Tablets. Repeat till the hypoglycemia symptoms is gone and you feel better or blood glucose levels is >70mg/dL
Once, the blood sugar is back to normal range, it is important to snack a meal to stabilize your blood sugar level.
Glucorade Glucose tablets are easy to use, cheap, consistent, fast acting and create sharp rises in glucose levels. Glucorade Glucose tablets are better than candy bars because they provide the same “dose” of sugar each time. This allows for straight, fast acting sugar to increase low blood sugar levels and peak after about 10 minutes. Additionally, Candy bars have fat in them which slows down absorption of carbohydrates. When you eat a combination of fat and carbs, it results in inconsistent increases in blood sugar levels, often leading to good-intended overcorrections. You were too low, but now you are too high. Glucorade Glucose tablets will increase blood sugar every time, quickly and safely; without the surprise spikes in blood sugar later on.